
Functions of the Northern California Council of
Alcoholics Anonymous


Conferences are held for one purpose:

It is an established fact that those who attend and take an active part in our Conferences have a more positive attitude in their solution of the problem of alcoholism and are aided in acquiring the knowledge needed to arrest this devastating disease.Some people have a special knack of giving us a message in a way we can understand. Therefore, the speakers, chair people and moderators at the Conference are carefully selected to meet this requirement. Through Conferences we are able to hear speakers that we would never hear otherwise; thus, we get a new perspective of our problem.

Conferences help us attain the “freedom from anxiety” which we did not have during our drinking careers. We learn how to gain a release from tension by learning to overcome the causes of tension. You can get the same results that we have if you will attend and seek understanding. At Conferences we make new friends and get new ideas. As we apply the good ideas to ourselves as individuals, they infiltrate their way into our groups and a better group harmony develops. Finally, intergroup unity becomes a reality. And the result of all this – a greater attraction to AA for those who still suffer. This may sound like a long way around, for we surely come back to the individual because we are enabled to better “Carry the Message.”

The workshops and AA meetings are designed for the individual – to give each member working tools in the effort to stay sober and live a contented life.