Frequently Asked Questions

How does my locale bid for a Conference?

Hotel and/or conference space must be 10,000 square feet at a minimum. Usually a foyer, three rooms for marathon meetings, and a main speaker hall that accommodates 500 to 1,000 people.

Catering or food service costs.

Conference Bid Form

Who and what is the steering committee? 

The Steering Committee is comprised of AA members voted upon by the conference.

The steering committee ensures that conferences are inclusive of service entities operating the Northern California area of Alcoholics Anonymous in the spirit of unity and cooperation.

How long does it take to plan for a conference? 

Typically 6 months

Why is NCCAA important to AA as a whole? 

NCCAA has been in operation in Northern California longer than the existence of the General Service Conference.  It was found that cooperation between the various service entities in Northern California would be better served working cooperatively.

What’s a Delegate? What do they do? 

A delegate represents a group or service entity in Northern California.